No rest for the weary yet this Tuesday morning. This morning I finally hopped in the shower but I think that was the fastest shower I've ever taken and I was so tempted to stand there because it felt great, but I wanted someone else to have that opportunity as well. Mom was like the water was on and then it was off.
I've already received a phone call with someone's pipe that busted in the night. Please keep checking those meters even if you have been checking and don't think you have a leak. Some of them are just now beginning to show up. All of our pressures are at safe level but they are definitely not where we want them to be. It will take a couple of days to refill our reserve tanks that add pressure to the system. If you experience no pressure or an outage please call the office. It will help us narrow down the trouble areas.
Thank you again for your understanding and helping us conserve water.